The City’s Economic Development Bureau strives to maximize opportunities for business of all sizes, and natures and the City’s tax base, by diversifying the local economy, stimulating private investment, and generating employment opportunities. The bureau staff offers technical assistance to businesses looking to relocate or expand within City limits by assisting in site selection, financing, and business development.
Businesses located in or relocating to the City are eligible for an array of incentive programs administered by the Economic Development Bureau.
Contact: (814) 539-2504 Ext. 118
All City loan related questions may be directed to Nina Ndichu, Director of Planning, Community and Economic Development at (814)539-2504 Ext. 110 or via email to: [email protected].
Agendas and Minutes
The Façade Improvement Program is open to all commercial properties within city limits. Businesses and property owners are offered architectural assistance along with a fifty-fifty match up to $5,000 for improvements to a building’s exterior including signage, surface treatment, windows, and landscaping.
Sections of the City are designated by the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) as Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUB Zones). Businesses in these locations receive special consideration for contracting with all federal agencies, including set asides.
A portion of the City is included in the Greater Johnstown Keystone Innovation Zone, a state delineated area where partnerships between higher education institutions and technology based businesses are encouraged. Businesses who locate in the KIZ can qualify for tax credits. Those businesses without a tax liability will have the ability to sell their tax credits.
The department of Community and Economic Development has create a checklist that is used at the beginning of a project in order to ensure that all parties (City Staff, developer, project manager, property owner, etc.) understand the scope of the project and the necessary requirements needed to have a successful process and project.
Click here to Access Online Survey
This survey aims to gather information on the effectiveness, availability, and fairness of and access to economic development and entrepreneurial resources in order to better understand and address gaps in service.
The City of Johnstown is committed to improving access to economic development resources for all residents, particularly those from disadvantaged and marginalized populations. Ensuring equity in access to entrepreneurial and business development resources is crucial for fostering inclusive economic growth. Governments and economic development organizations have significant responsibilities in this regard. This responsibility stems from the recognition that barriers such as systemic discrimination, lack of access to capital, and limited networking opportunities disproportionately affect certain demographics, including racial minorities, women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and persons with disabilities.
Accessibility, Alternative Formats, and Accommodations:
If you require this survey in an alternative format, such as large print, audio, or a different language, please contact us at [email protected] or 814-539-2504.
Si necesita esta encuesta en un formato alternativo, como letra grande, audio o un idioma diferente, contáctenos en [email protected] o al 814-539-2504.
Saint Francis Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
The SBDC provides support and guidance to help meet your business goals. They hold workshops & webinars and offer free counseling in business startup, business plan development, accounting, bookkeeping, and more.
Jari’s team provides entrepreneurial development support and coaching to help new entities get established and grow.
245 Market St. Suite 200
Johnstown, PA 15901-2910